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Using Mobile Phones


At its heart Cinema Lane Media is a group of people who have come together because we want to make compelling visual stories. Talented writers, producers, actors, and filmmakers work together to turn ideas into stories and then take those stories from page to screen.  We are a collective created to support and encourage each other to aim higher.  We are dedicated to creating high-quality content that engages the audience and leaves a lasting impression.

If collaborating is for you, get in touch, and let's see what we can do together.


“Brie came on board our team for ‘The Green Man’ film as a runner/PA and was helpful and friendly. Then when things became more stressful onset because of poor weather conditions, she stepped up and took the weight off the other team members. On her last day on set, our AD had to step away for another project and Brie took on the role, supporting the team. I hope to work with her again in the future.
It’s just a shame that we are based so far away in London.”

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